Newmarket Music Blog

02/04/2009 Ingrid James News!

Ingrid James, along with John Reeves released 'Circumflex' at the start of 2009 and they've reached April with so many achievements! Recently they launched the release in Sydney & Brisbane (competing with the QLD elections the same night!) to sell out crowds. Ingrid, along with John Reeves & Andrew Shaw play the Gold Coast this week on the 5th (this Sunday from 3-6pm) at the Tallai Country Golf Club, Worongary Road, Tallai, Gold Coast, Cost: $30.

Ingrid James John Reeves Andrew Shaw @ Tallai Country Golf Club, Worongary Road Tallai, Gold Coast 3pm to 6pm CD LAUNCH

But in January Ingrid braved the cold weather of the USA to do some gigs, here is a review from Cathy Segal-Garcia about her performance.


On January 18th, 2009...I started the first in a new series called "The Singers' Roundtable" It featured myself as the Interviewer, interviewing Australian vocalist Ingrid James (Ingrid was, as always, visually & performance wise - brilliant. Her expression, clarity & vocal control thrilled the audience...) and vocalist Tierney Sutton (Tierney is among the most subtle and nuanced of jazz singers; for her, detail and considered interpretation are inextricably linked with expressiveness) On hand was pianist Karen Hammack (Perfect sense of swing, totally sensitive, outstanding player in all styles..)to play for impromptu spontaneous musical outbursts!

Tune into ABC Brisbane 612 for Richard Fidler's show on May 1st as Ingrid will be on the airwaves chatting about and playing tracks that influenced 'Circumflex'

Ingrid is also planning her appearance at the Cap Jazz Festival in France for August, so all fans in France, keep it in your calendar!

So if you haven't yet purchased Circumflex head to Itunes or purchase it here on our site or order it through your favourite retailer!
Cheers! Newmarket Music

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